you are your teacher

“You are your own teacher. Investigate yourself to find the truth–inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.”

-Ajahn Chah

I was catching up with a friend yesterday, and he shared that he had recently been digging deeper into his spirituality thanks to reading a couple of books by Michael Singer (a favorite of mine).

It was cool to find out that he was continuing to explore his Self and had also begun to “tap into the woo” as he described his observation of my Pursuit. Sadly, it had been a while since we had caught up, but I’m glad that we found our Selves back on a similar frequency, which I’m certain is why he called out of the blue—another moment of synchronicity in my life.

As I was bringing him up to speed with Ang and the boys, we naturally discussed the Daily Notes, the podcast, and my focus on life planning. I shared with him something I’ve thought about a lot but am not sure I have ever actually said to anyone else–I know I haven’t written about it.

I told my friend that I know I don’t have THE answer for everyone regarding what their authentic life looks like–I’ll have the opportunity to help some through LifeDesign+ find their own answers and truths and create a life plan to begin living their authentic life—my goal of 1,000 lives changed directly through life planning.

But for those I don't get to work with one-on-one, I want to encourage, support, provide resources, and just help begin to ask more questions about their lives–especially “why”. I want to help those who need it to realize the answer to almost every life-focused question begins within, as Ajahn Chah shared, and that we all do have an authentic life and unique purpose that, if discovered, will take life to a whole new level.

So if you’re new to the Daily Notes, or haven’t noticed, each note fails to deliver you an answer—I don’t have any answers for you, or anyone else. I hope most of the notes, as I know not all will provide some direction toward the answers held WITHIN you.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



trust the vision of others


who we were meant to be