unique gifts (a poem)

Being the only one of its kind,
Unlike anything else.

You are unique.
The only one of your kind.
Unlike anyone else.

Your physical uniqueness is easy to see,
But within you lies something deeper—
A uniqueness of great importance.

Your Creator designed you
With gifts unlike any other,
Waiting to be discovered,
And woven into the greater tapestry of life.

Some gifts you already know—
Talents you’ve honed, skills you’ve mastered.
They matter, yes,
But they don’t set you apart.
Someone else could fill that role,
Do that job,
Wear that title.

I’m a financial advisor.
I do my job well.
But there are thousands like me,
With the same knowledge,
The same technical skills.

Yet, what makes me irreplaceable?
My true gifts—
The ones no one else carries in the exact way I do:
Source of energy.
These are my fingerprints on the world.
These are the gifts that make me, me.

And you?
Your unique gifts are waiting.
Waiting to be uncovered,
And shared.
They are your purpose,
Your joy,
Your fulfillment—
And maybe even your prosperity.

But what if you don’t know what they are?
Don’t worry, I’ve got you.
Let’s start here:

What lit you up as a child?
What did you love before the world told you what mattered?
Before you learned to doubt?
Before innocence gave way to expectation?

What are your passions?
Especially the ones you neglect—
The ones your heart aches to pursue.
Your heart whispers truth,
A direct line to your Higher Power,
Guiding you toward your calling.

What interests you,
But you’ve never fully explored?
Passions often start as sparks.
Will you let yours ignite?

And what if you're good at something
But feel unfulfilled in how it’s used?
Could your gift shine brighter
If channeled in a new way?
Sometimes, we hide our uniqueness
By using it in the most common form.

If you could do anything,
What would it be?
Does it align with the answers above?

These are threads.
Pull on them.
See where they lead.

Your unique gifts will not stay silent
Once you start listening.
They will pull you forward.
They will call you home.
Still unsure?

Let me offer a few guiding lights:

1) Look to serve others.
Your gifts will always create impact.
2) They don’t have to be your career.
Purpose doesn’t always mean profession.
3) Fear is normal.
Lean into it. Growth lives there.
4) Explore. Experiment.
You don’t find your gifts by standing still.

You were created with a purpose.
A calling that only you can fulfill.
A role that only you can play.
The world needs your gifts.

*Inspired by next week's Keep Pursuing Series talk/workshop "unique gifts".

Tickets are still available.

🎧 Listen to today's Note on the LifeDesign+ podcast.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



enjoy the ride


change is hard