your career might be a means to an end

I was reminded yesterday that sometimes we forget that what we do for our careers will not always be our passion, our use of unique gifts and talents, or the “thing” we were created to do.

I had a conversation with one of my favorite clients, and we discussed a business/investment opportunity; the opportunity would add more to their business, which isn’t really her most “authentic life” (it’s so cool when clients use this phrase). She shared how she enjoys certain aspects of the business but appreciates the freedom the business provides her for her family, and this next investment opportunity into the business would potentially put her in a position to do the “thing” she feels called to do.

Her most “authentic life” involves mentoring, investing, and helping others; this may or may not generate income for her family, but it is the idea she has consistently returned to since the beginning of our relationship.

During our conversation, she mentioned in passing how the new opportunity might help her be able to do the work she truly wants to do—what she feels called to do.

I wanted to make sure she understood this important point, so I brought it up again and kindly reminded her that sometimes our career, or how we make our money, is a means to an end. Sometimes, our gifts and talents allow us to make the money we need for our family and own planning AND provide the freedom and opportunity to do the work we feel called to do without the pressure of making money.

For some of us, our purpose and life’s work will manifest in our careers.

For others, our career will provide the financial security and freedom to pursue our purpose and life’s work.

Both scenarios are great, and that’s the beauty of the authentic life…there is no “right”.

There’s only what is right for YOU…what is authentic to YOU.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



detaching from outcomes


don’t hoard