don’t hoard

“Wise souls don’t hoard;

the more they do for others the more they have,

the more they give the richer they are.”

- Tao Te Ching, Ursula K. Le Guin’s rendition

This quote could refer to money; assuming you have your finances in order, a strong plan for future planning, and enough to cover your living expenses, the decision to hoard, especially just for the sake of hoarding, becomes selfish. I’ve witnessed over the years that my clients, who are the most generous and genuine with their giving, see more money flow back to them than they give. It’s almost like their funds are replenished with interest, so they can give more or do more good with their money.

This quote could refer to your gifts; assuming you have identified your unique gifts and talents, hoarding them because you’re not confident in your Self, you’re afraid of the “success” that might come your way, or you’re uncomfortable with the change that might come from sharing more of your unique gifts and talents, becomes selfish. Your unique gifts and talents were given to you for a reason, and that reason was not for you to keep them to your Self. I’ve witnessed over the last couple of years, mainly because I’ve been paying more attention, that those who are generous with their gifts see an abundance of “good” that comes their way—good could be several things like financial gain, more recognition which increases their ability to serve others, and a greater sense of purpose.

It might go against what we’ve been taught and maybe even what you’ve witnessed through others, but hoarding the gifts you’ve received, financial and/or talent, is not the way. These types of gifts were meant to be shared and used in the service of others, and when done, they will lead to more flowing your way.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



your career might be a means to an end


what do you see?