what do we really know?

As I continue to pursue my authentic life, I’ve grown to enjoy asking “why?” and exploring ideas considered facts and/or truths.

It didn’t take me long to realize that much of the information we use to navigate life isn’t necessarily true–it may not necessarily be false, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely true. I think there is a lot of life-changing information that hides in these not-fully-true facts we all believe.

For example, I’m in a community filled with ridiculously talented, brilliant, and many high-conscious individuals. Recently, a podcast about telepathy was shared with the group, and it is amazing. I’m just a few episodes in, but I can’t stop listening; the podcast explores the telepathic ability (and more) of nonverbal autistic children—I say “and more” because the host has hinted at how telepathy is just the “tip of the iceberg.”

There is so much about the subject that I wonder what else could be possible that we’ve been told isn’t.

I highly recommend you check out the podcast and allow your Self to question and explore other areas of life.

There is so much we don’t know despite all of the information readily available to us today.

Some might be frightened by the unknown.
I’m excited about the possibility and freedom the unknown might provide.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



we are born with the freedom to choose our thoughts


you are the light