How Blue Is Your Sky

Yesterday, I spent about fifteen minutes lying on the driveway next to Silas, looking up at the clouds—I want to encourage you to do this soon, even if you don’t have a child to lie down next to. Those fifteen minutes were almost meditative because as we lay there, I was fully present. My phone was in the grass. I had no distractions other than enjoying the beautiful blue sky, the white clouds spread across it, and some small talk with Silas.

Finding presence alone is great. Finding presence with a loved one is priceless.

As we lay there, I wondered if Silas saw the same bright blue of the sky as I did, or was his blue a different shade? 

Since I was young, maybe middle school age, I would and still do occasionally think about colors and wonder if the colors I see are the same as everyone else—is my red your yellow, and is your red my blue, yet we still agree that a stop sign is red? 

I didn’t realize it when I first started my color thought exercise, but looking back, I believe I was beginning to understand, or at least explore, how everyone has a different reality they live in, even though we all happen to be living on the same planet at the same time. Back then, I didn’t grasp how our perception creates our reality, and with varied perceptions come varied realities—I was just questioning, do we all see things the same way?

As I stared at the beautiful blue sky with Silas, I thought how I hoped his blue was as beautiful as the blue in my reality. 

The reality I live in is far from perfect, but it is net positive, optimistic, full of opportunity, and beautiful—and in my mind, the clarity and bold blue sky is representative of this awesome reality. In contrast, if my reality were negative, full of doom, and sad I envision my blue being dull and not vibrant, and I want Silas (and Roman and Leo) to see their realities with bright, vibrant colors and a world full of generous people, opportunity, and happiness—I want their sky to be their version of my bright blue sky.

How blue is the sky you see?

Is your perception of your reality impacting the vibrancy of the colors you see—figuratively speaking, as I have no proof that the colors you see are a reflection of your perception of the world around you?

You have agency over your perception—there may be past traumas to heal, you may need to change what you consume and who you surround your Self with, or spend more time focusing on the abundance in your life, but you can change your perception of the world which will change your personal reality and might even change the vibrancy of the colors you see.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Wear The Jordans


Shining In The Light