Unexpected Conversations

How many times have you sat down to get some work done at a coffee shop only to be interrupted by a stranger or acquaintance looking for someone to talk with?

What was your reaction?
Internally did you sigh and think about all of the work you needed to get done?
Did you stay distracted by the tasks waiting for you and put off a vibe that you weren’t interested?
Did you engage in the conversation or did you just give one-word answers hoping they’d realize you weren’t in the mood to chat?
Did you leave one earbud in your ear offering a reminder to the other person that you came to get work done?

In the past, I would have done all of the above and usually successfully avoided a long conversation and got back to work, and truthfully, there might be times in the future when I fall back into those old habits but I will be more conscious of not allowing an unexpected conversation to be missed.

Recently, I’ve had a few experiences that have forever changed the way I will receive an unexpected conversation—two in particular occurred at the local coffee shop.

In both scenarios, I stopped at the coffee shop to grab a cold brew and sit on the patio to get some work done before heading into the office for client meetings and the conversations began shortly after I had sat down, put my earbuds in, and started into my work.

The first unexpected conversation was with another financial advisor and we ended up talking for nearly an hour and a half. For some reason when he walked over and introduced himself, I took my earbuds out, pushed out the other chair, and offered for him to sit down to talk. This might come as a surprise, but I’m usually a little more reserved and shy when it comes to talking with strangers, especially when I have some work to get done in front of me. But that day, I submitted to the moment, forgot about the work, and gave the advisor my full attention—the conversation was amazing.

We started talking about our profession and where we saw it going, I shared some ideas for his firm, and then we went down a deeply personal path that neither of us expected going into our decision to go to the coffee shop that day. I’m not sure WHY we went so deep, or why we had that long conversation but I do know it was not a distraction from my work, there was a great purpose, and I am extremely grateful I listened to my intuition and didn’t try to cut the conversation short to get back to work.

I do have one theory as to why the conversation occurred—the depth of the conversation and where I was able to take it gave me a boost in confidence in the work I am looking to do with LifeDesign+ (and all of the connected offerings in the future). If I can help a stranger get the confidence to begin talking about childhood trauma and the impact it has had on his life in less than an hour, then I know I can help clients find and live their authentic lives.

The second unexpected conversation was just a week ago, and it occurred with someone I know who is also a regular. Just like the first conversation, I had just sat down with my drink and this time breakfast sandwich. When she began to walk towards me I smiled, took my earbuds out, and welcomed the conversation that was about to begin. 

This conversation did not last as long, maybe 45 minutes, but it did not get long to get deeply personal. I was conscious to remain present in the conversation and didn’t even pick up my sandwich—I ate it cold after we finished and she went back to sit with her family. Again, I’m not sure what comes from the conversation other than it was not a coincidence, and it was meant to happen that day. She took 45 minutes away from her family to talk with me and I know she values time with her family.

I share these stories as a reminder that sometimes unexpected conversations that may SEEM like an interruption and a distraction are actually much more important than you might know. 

We all have “so much to do” and are always on the run and have less meaningful connections with other human beings. and I think that might be why so many people are unhappy, feel alone, and miss out on unknown opportunities. There are infinite possibilities for how an unexpected conversation can play out—some might end up just feeling better because of a great conversation with another person and some might end up with a new connection that leads to a new opportunity that changes your life. You never know what a “chance” interaction might mean to your Pursuit.

I know this much though…an unexpected conversation will rarely lead to a waste of your time. 

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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