
What’s your superpower?”

This was a question we used as an icebreaker for small group breakouts earlier this month in our mid-year town hall meeting in The AGC™—I don’t remember where I first heard this question asked, but I absolutely love it.

We all have at least one superpower. I’m not sure how many of us actually realize it, find confidence in it, and actually use it—which is a shame!

Do you know what your superpower is?

It doesn’t have to be something magical, although it might be. You don’t have to be able to catch a speeding bullet, be more powerful than a locomotive, or be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound to have a superpower. 

Your superpower might be as “simple” as you are a tremendous listener—this is not simple and it is extremely impactful.

Your superpower might be the ability to break down a complex subject into a way anyone can understand.

Your superpower might be the consistency of being the friend who is always there when needed.

Your superpower is a skill or trait that allows you to do something better than most people, if not everyone. If you’re not sure what your superpower is, you might be looking too hard to find it—it might be something you think is small but is actually very mighty, especially when you start to use it with intent.

My superpower is something I’ve always been aware that I had but I didn’t realize it was a superpower until recently—and I also didn’t realize the impact I could have if I were to really put it to use.

My superpower is that I have the ability to see the potential within others and I’m able to help them begin to see and believe it as well. When I talk with someone about where they are, their goals, and where they want to go, I am able to see the potential lying within and share with them the confidence, direction, and energy to bring that potential out. 

I’ve had countless calls with financial advisors, unexpected conversations with strangers at our local coffee shop, and deep talks with friends that end with the other person leaving excited, energized, and with belief in their Self. To be fair, I’ve had conversations that end with less excitement because the potential I saw did not align with where the other individual thought it would be, but thankfully those experiences so far have been few and far between.

The problem with not realizing this is my superpower and using it with intent is that the majority of those conversations were not met with follow-up calls to help the other individual continue in the direction we discussed—meaning they fall back into the status quo and don’t step into the potential and greatness I saw in them. 

It’s great to see someone leave excited with the intent of stepping into this new version of their Self but it is also frustrating knowing that most, not all, will never reach that version of their Self because life will get in the way, their confidence in that version of their Self dwindles because of internal dialogues, and they stay where the comfort is.

BUT, now that I know this is my superpower I can begin to find ways to keep individuals moving forward and realize the potential held within. 

One way I hope to be able to stay with more people is through these Daily Notes. Although the notes are a more passive way, they hopefully allow me to keep more people thinking about their greatness and the authentic life they are pursuing.

LifeDesign, a six-week one-on-one coaching program, is another that gives me the opportunity to stay with someone for six weeks before letting them continue their inner work and growth on their own.

And finally, LifeDesign+ is the most intense way—there is a reason I have structured this relationship to be more like a life coaching relationship than a financial advisory relationship. Monthly meetings, daily journaling, curated content, and messages throughout the month will allow me to keep the excitement, focus, confidence, and movement toward the new version of the Self with clients.

I’m excited to see what kind of impact I can have with more intentional time with people looking to pull that inner greatness out and step into it. I would have never been able to find ways to increase the impact I can have on people without first identifying my superpower and then embracing it.

So again, what’s your superpower?
Are you using it to serve others?
And if not, how might you be able to do so—even if there isn’t an immediate business opportunity behind it?

Take some time with those questions and who knows, you might find out your superpower is another great guide leading you toward your authentic life.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Don’t Forget To Create


Own Your Weakness