The Sting Of Subscribers

I rarely check the analytics of the subscribers for the Daily Note. While I hope my thoughts are valuable and help others, I didn't start writing them with a goal of how many people might subscribe to receive them. But every once and a while I'll scroll through Convertkit to see if people have unsubscribed and which note they unsubscribed with to get a feel for how the Daily Notes are being received.

For the most part, there aren't a lot of readers hitting unsubscribe, but when they do it does sting a little--but only for a few seconds because I try to remind my Self that the decision to unsubscribe is not personal. I try to avoid the downward spiral of asking my Self, "What did I say", "Is my writing weak?", "Did I offend them?", "What prompted them to scroll all the way to the bottom of the email and click "unsubscribe?" or any of the countless questions that pop into your mind when you feel rejected.

It's not about me or what I wrote that day. It's about what is going on in that individual's life and there are infinite reasons for them to hit the unsubscribe link. It's never about me, despite how much my ego might want to make it.

It is unproductive and comes from a low state of energy to spend time being down about losing a reader and trying to figure out why they left. As a Creator, the work I put out into the world is not going to be loved by everyone and that is okay and from time to time I have to remind my Self of that.

This is true for everyone--even if you are not writing an email newsletter, recording a podcast, filming videos, creating art, or any other form of creating. Throughout your Pursuit, you will not be everyone's cup of tea and when you face some form of rejection, it's going to sting a little.

But remind your Self that it's not personal.

People have their own internal battles going on and for whatever reason at that moment you were not meant to be in each other's lives.

And that's okay.

Don't allow your Self to get down because just like how the Daily Notes continues to get new subscribers, new people will come into your life and those who do will be a better fit for where you are in your Pursuit.

For all of you not hitting unsubscribe, THANK YOU and I appreciate you reading, sharing, and the email exchanges we have. I know not every note is going to hit each day, but I hope there are enough throughout the week that keep you excited, inspired, and motivated to keep pursuing your authentic life!

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Own Your Weakness


A Drive-Through Conversation