
What do you think you are committed to?

Make a list. Write out the people, activities, and things you THINK you are committed to—I’d consider these the people, activities, and things you want to be committed to. 

Now that you have your list, let’s check your receipts. 

Take a look at your calendar and bank statements to see where your energy, time, and dollars are actually flowing. The people, activities, and things you see dominating your calendar and budget are what you are ACTUALLY committed to, and those on your list from earlier not found or not high on the actual priority list are not the commitments you thought they were. 

We often think we are prioritizing and focusing our energy on the life we truly want but when we check the “receipts” we find out that we may not be as committed to the important people, activities, and things we thought we were. 

It’s easy to let the busyness of life pull us away from the people, activities, and things we want to be our priority. It’s also easy to fall back into old habits when the commitment we are trying to establish requires a change from the status quo—we are creatures of habit and don’t particularly enjoy change. But, just because it’s easy not to hold the commitments we desire as a priority, doesn’t mean you should stop trying.

Today, you have a list of what you truly want to be committed to and you also have a list of what you are actually committed to. What do you need to do in order to make the “actual” match the “want” list?

The separation between the two lists is a barrier to you living your authentic life.

If you’re unhappy with the path you are currently pursuing, there is a good chance the people, activities, and things you are actually committed to are in direct conflict with the people, activities, and things you want to truly be committed to.

Change your commitments, change your Pursuit, and move closer to your authentic life.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



A Drive-Through Conversation


It’s Not ABout Me (You)