Shifting Your Energy

Yesterday was a trying day, professionally. Nothing career-ending or anything along those lines. Just a series of events that could begin to compound and shift your mood to the negative and lower the frequency of the energy you are operating from. 

In fact, in the moment these types of events do in fact change your mood and lower your vibrational energy—and maybe even your physical energy as well as you just kind of want to ball up and process the emotions. And that shift in mood is natural, normal, and ok.

“An abnormal response to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.”

-Victor Frankl

It’s how you respond to the news and events in the aftermath that determines where your day, week, year, and Pursuit might head from there.

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”

-Viktor Frankl

You can’t shift your energy if you aren’t aware that your energy has changed. Bob Proctor reminds us to “see yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time with every person.” There is an opposite side to that statement though—if you see yourself living in anger, frustration, or fear you will also attract that as well.

It’s the law of attraction that makes having an awareness of your mood and energy so important.

Developing the self-awareness to realize your shift in energy and then focusing with the intention to drive it back up when it falls requires work. It’s not good enough just to realize that your mood and energy have shifted lower—we all know when we’re mad, sad, or scared—you have to also have enough awareness to do something about it.

One way to improve your self-awareness is to find alignment with your spirit, mind, and body. All three of these parts of your Self help you understand where your energy is, can help you focus on driving your energy back up, and tell you that your energy has returned to its normal frequency.

You can return to your normal high frequency of energy without the alignment of spirit, mind, and body but it will take longer—you won’t be able to focus on directing your thoughts and energy higher with intent. And while you wait longer for your energy to shift higher you run the risk of attracting more annoyances, frustrations, and “bad” events to you with the lower frequency of energy you are putting out.

The sooner you can get back to a high frequency of energy, the sooner you get back to attracting the good back into your life.

In an effort to get out of my lower frequency, I focused on the lessons each situation taught me—how I could be and do better. I also focused on expressing gratitude for the abundance of good in my life, despite the events of the day.

  • A friend of mine with a nasty health diagnosis emailed back and said he was doing great, he was winning his battle, and that he wanted to catch up soon. 

  • I took a short walk to spend a little extra time in the sun, breathing fresh air, and enjoying a beautiful hot summer day.

  • I appreciated the turnout and questions for the informational Zoom session we hosted yesterday for the community of financial advisors I co-founded, The AGC.

  • Finally, I reminded my Self to get back to high-frequency energy every time I replayed the day’s events to keep from falling back down.

  • I spent a little extra time with Roman after AAU practice shooting around. The extra time with him was great and getting up some shots, hearing the net rip with my makes, and working up a little sweat was therapeutic. 

It didn’t take long to process the day, take what I needed to take from it as a learning experience, and get back to my Pursuit—Roman’s AAU practice was late in the evening and while it was a part of the solution, I also believe it was such a good time because I had already shifted my energy back up by the time practice started.


Financial planning software does not have an analysis of the impact of your energy on your financial life. It would be nearly impossible to measure and it’s not a factor that most financial advisors are comfortable talking about, let alone suggesting your financial plan’s success will be impacted by it.

But, if we believe what Bob Proctor said and we believe in the law of attraction, then our energy does have SOME impact on our financial plan. As I look at my own clients, I cannot think of any that operate from a low frequency of energy as their normal state of energy, which makes sense given I’m most likely going to attract high-frequency individuals.

However, throughout the various stops in my career, I have encountered individuals operating from a low frequency of energy and always seemed to have financial struggles. Earlier in my career, I attributed the low energy and negative mood to financial struggles, but now I think it is the reverse…the financial struggles are a result of the low energy and negative mood.

Man, that is a hard thing to write because for someone going through “it”, to be told your struggles are a result of your mindset and energy is tough to hear and I don’t want to offend—I don’t want to come across as unsympathetic but I do not believe you can find your way through tough times without changing your mindset and energy, no matter how hard it may be. You can’t think your way out of financial struggle but focusing on the good in your life, finding things to be grateful for, and shifting your energy to the positive, despite whatever shitty things might be going on, is the only way to begin to get past the struggle.

You have to shift your energy to begin to attract the things, people, and events that will help you get to where you want to go.

So, having the awareness of what frequency of energy you are operating from and being able to intentionally drive it higher when you need to is an important part of your financial plan—there will always be events and challenges that happen in life that have the possibility of derailing your financial plan if you allow the low energy to compound and continue to keep you down.

As Victor Frankl reminds us, we may not have the ability to choose what happens to us, but we do have the ability to choose how we allow it to impact us.

How you choose to react will ultimately impact your financial plan—which is why it’s so important to align your spirit, mind, and body.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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