Like Attracts LIke

Like attracts like.

Two peas in a pod.

Birds of a feather flock together.*

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

Great minds think alike.

Life is an echo.

Ask and you shall receive.

You are what you think.

*There is a continuation of this phrase that changes the meaning of it, “...until the cat comes” but I’ve never heard anyone complete the entire phrase or use it in that fashion–I’m going with the interpretation most people use it with.

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve gone through life knowing about the law of attraction. You’ve likely recited one of the phrases above, or another one similar, in reference to our ability to attract both “good” and “bad” into our life by what we think, who we surround ourselves with, and the energy we put out into the Universe.

Before marketers got a hold of The Law of Attraction, it was a believable force because it simply represented that what you think about, how you feel, and how you see your Self attracts more of the same.

Before the marketers got a hold of The Law of Attraction, it was not about bringing material possessions, money, or fame into your life but attracting the underlying feelings of what the material possessions, money, and fame represented–love, security, purpose, or relief from stress.

Before the marketers got a hold of The Law of Attraction, it wasn’t a book, a course, or a product to be sold to take advantage of individuals looking for a quick fix.

Before the marketers got a hold of The Law of Attraction, it was a principle that was shared, lived, and modeled by individuals. The proverbs above have been around for a long time—some as far back as Biblical days and earlier.

Without actually studying it, you’ve been taught about The Law of Attraction your entire life. You’ve witnessed it through others. You’ve recited phrases referencing it. You’ve even experienced it yourself.

Yet, most individuals do not keep The Law of Attraction in mind in their day-to-day living.

Keeping The Law Of Attraction in mind throughout your day is not difficult and the more intentional you are in doing so, the easier it becomes:

  • Make an effort to be more mindful of what you are thinking. 

  • Be more intentional about how you perceive what happens to you. 

  • Shift your focus toward putting out energy that will attract the feelings, emotions, and people you seek in your life–not the “things”. 

  • Become more optimistic and grateful for the positive people and forces in your life.

I make no promises that you will win the lottery, find your ideal partner, or immediately eliminate all stress from your life by thinking about and putting out the energy you seek to attract. However, I am willing to bet you will become more “lucky” and notice more “coincidences” in line with your thoughts.

If you’re skeptical, what do you have to lose by trying?

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Look Inside


You Are Who You Are