the authentic life is not defined by entrepreneurship

Your authentic life is not defined by entrepreneurship.

There is so much push to start a business today (I fear that sometimes I feed into it more than I mean to), but that’s not the right path for everyone.

Entrepreneurship may not be your path.

And having a side hustle may not be either.

Only you know the path to your authentic life, and just like we should avoid keeping up with the Joneses financially, you should also avoid keeping up with what their path to their authentic life looks like.

Embrace your authentic life, whatever it may look like–and this includes more than your professional setting. It’s your authentic life, and no one can tell you what it should look like, no matter how convincing, interesting, and sexy of a life they might paint for you.

Your authentic life is not defined by anyone else--it's yours to define.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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