Your Future Self Is Already Inside You

The version of yourself you strive to be is already in you–that YOU already exists.

It might be hard to believe this “bigger and better” version of yourself can exist inside of you, but you need look no further than the Giant Sequoia tree to understand the possibility. 

The Giant Sequoia is the world’s largest species of trees–Sequoias can grow to be over 300 feet tall. These massive trees start as a seedling from a cone…a tiny seed contains everything needed to grow a 300 foot tall tree with the proper soil, nutrients, sunlight, and water.

The Sequoia tree is contained in the seed.

If a seed can contain a Sequoia tree in it, then the equivalent of the 300 foot version of yourself is already inside of you. 

It’s up to you to find the fertile soil, nutrients, sunlight, and water to grow.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Penny And Sherman


The Law Of Influence