Your Words Matter

Your words matter. Especially the ones you choose about yourself.

“I’m not smart.” – you never will be.

“I’m not beautfiul.”— you’ll never see youself as beautiful.

“I can’t meditate.” – you never will.

“I’ll never be able to reach ‘x’” – you won’t.

“I’m not a runner.” – you’ll continue to hate it (my goal for the upcoming year is to become a runner by telling myself I am a runner and I enjoy it–a little experiment).

Henry Ford is famous for saying, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” 

And he was right 😀. 


Without getting too deep into the world of metaphysics, which is fascinating by the way, we all have a conscious and a subconscious mind. They are responsible for various thoughts and actions and work together to help us live our life.

A high level explanation of both is:

  • The conscious mind controls our thoughts, actions, words, and other components of our life we are aware of.

  • The subconscious mind controls feelings, behaviors, and other components of our life that we don’t think about like breathing. 

One important part of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds is the subconscious mind is programmable–and the programmer is the conscious mind.

💡 The light bulb went off, didn’t it.

The words your conscious mind chooses to say and believe is programming your subconscious mind, which like a computer, does not validate if what is being programmed is right or wrong–it takes it as fact and runs the program.

So if you are constantly saying, externally or internally, negative things, your subconscious mind takes those words and begins to program your feelings and behaviors to match those words. 

This self-programming is obviously a hindrance to living your authentic life. With all of life’s external circumstances it might be your own words keeping you from experiencing your authentic life.

It doesn’t have to be this way though.

The self-programming of our subconscious mind can be used to our advantage by choosing to speak positively about ourselves, framing negative experiences in a positive way (finding the silver lining), and limiting the negative self-talk.

We have the ability to reprogram our subconscious mind but reprogramming is not easy. Years of negative programming is not rewritten overnight; rewriting the program of your subconscious mind takes hard work, self-awareness, and time. 

But it is worth it. 

Your authentic life is a positive experience, which will remain unattainable as long as you continue to program your subconscious with negative, limiting, and hurtful words.

To slightly adapt Ford’s famous quote, “Whatever you say you are, you’re right.”

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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