
What level of concentration are you giving to the people who are most important to you?

I’m not talking about how much you are thinking about them–no, how much of YOU are you giving them?

There is a misconception that selflessness allows you to be more present and give more of your Self to others. While this may be true in the amount of time you are with these other people; it is not true of the quality of you they are receiving.

Are they receiving a high concentration of you, or are they receiving a low concentration of you?

To give the highest concentration of your Self to others, you must take time to take care of your Self. This might mean you take an hour or two throughout the day to exercise, practice mindfulness, do a hobby, or have time to your Self to recover and regenerate. The time for your Self is not being selfish because it allows you to be a better version of your Self when you are with your family, friends, clients, etc.

If there are potentially eight hours in the day to be with your family (eight hours working, eight hours sleeping–a very basic example, I know), they would be better off with six and a half hours with a 95% concentrate version of you than eight hours with a 65% concentrate version of you.

The same could be said for work; if you could improve your efficiency because you are operating at 95%, you might be able to get the same amount of work, if not more, done in six and a half hours at 65%–this is assuming you have the flexibility to adjust your schedule.

Don’t neglect your Self to have more time with others–the quality of the time spent is more important than the quantity of time, especially is the reduced time allows you to be the best version of your Self.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Excitement Makes All Outcome Better


Your Heart Holds the Universe