Go Catch It (1.14.23)

Sometimes you have to just go catch “it”.

This morning during a 20 minute tabata ride (20 seconds hard work, 10 second rest) on my Peloton I realized that if I gave the pedal a heavy push right at the beginning of the 20 seconds of work and got my cadence (how fast the wheel turns) up really high, I’d be able to catch the faster speed and maintain it.

In contrast, if I tried to gradually increase my pedal speed, I wouldn’t be able to reach the higher cadence—I was better off overcommitting to the cadence because my body was able to handle it.

I couldn’t help but connect my experience on the Peloton to life.

Sometimes, we are better off overcommitting a little, getting ahead of ourselves, and forcing ourselves to catch up.

We are capable of much more than we realize and we often hold ourselves back by playing life too conservatively. Of course, we don’t want to be reckless but we also don’t need to wait for everything to be perfect and planned out in every detail—we’ll never see perfection and every detail planned.

Like most things in life, the answer lies in the middle.

Do some planning, consult those who might be impacted, visualize success and then go catch it!

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Knowing When To Take a Break (1.15.23)


Creativity Through Contraints (1.13.23)