share your ideas

This morning, I enjoyed a cup of cold brew on a long walk along the Pacific Ocean with a few of my financial advisor friends. There was a little discussion about our businesses and the profession, but most of the conversations were centered around life and other random topics.

I broke off for an extended conversation with one of my friends about our spiritual journeys; a few years ago, we discovered that we were traveling on parallel journeys at the same conference in California, and it turned into a friendship that extended beyond being peers in the same profession.

I don’t remember how the spiritual conversation started a few years ago–I think it may have started with my visits from bald eagles and the meaning I found in them, but it’s not the conversation you’d expect to have at a conference for financial advisors. Because we were both vulnerable and shared some intimate details about our Selves, we found another person operating at the same frequency, which is not always easy to do.

Had we kept the conversation to finance, which is what most people do at conferences, we would have missed the opportunity to connect on a deeper level, find someone interested in similar topics, and build a special friendship.

Don’t be afraid to share your interests and ideas with others because you never know what the other person might be into–you might just discover that you have more in common than you ever imagined.

See you tomorrow, and keep pursuing,



what we think