what to do when you can’t change a situation

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

- Viktor Frankl

I’m willing to bet MOST situations you will find your Self in that you are not happy with will be ones you cannot change.

An unhealthy relationship.
An unfulfilling career.
Your home base is in a city that is not good for you.
Declining health and physical well-being.

The situations are infinite, and almost all of them will require YOU to change you to escape what is not working for you.

Most people want to blame others, wait for someone else to change, or just complain rather than look inward to see how they can improve their situation.

Accountability is one of the principles I harp on the most with my older two boys, and I take Frankl’s quote to be a reminder that we are not only accountable for the situations we find our Selves in, but we are also accountable for making the changes for getting out of them.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



how dark does darkness have to be?


J. Cole on the Pursuit