
For me, one of the most important aspects of life to protect is my freedom.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve been fortunate to experience a lot of freedom and different types of freedom–freedoms that have tradeoffs, but freedoms nonetheless. Prior to launching RLS Wealth, I had some of these freedoms, but in lesser amounts, so I can remember what it was like to be more constrained.

Freedom of time.
Freedom to work with clients I want to work with.
Freedom to not actively grow my firm.
Freedom of creativity.
Freedom to explore, experiment, and reinvent my Self.
Freedom to be me—and evolve.

If I never had the opportunity to experience these freedoms, I don’t think I’d realize how important they are to me; now that I have, I’m not sure I’m willing to give them up. These freedoms allow me to stay in control of designing my life to align with the evolution of my authentic life–they allow me to keep the pen in my hand.

As I continue on my Pursuit, I’m sure (and hopeful) opportunities will find their way to me, and while there will be many details to consider, freedoms will be at the top of the list for me.

When you look at your life, what types of freedom and how much do you have?

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



new voices


the four pillars of wellness (and wealth)