as within, so without

Your view of the outside world is a reflection of your inner world.

You cannot control the outside world, but you can control your inner world. If your inner world determines how you view the outside world, then I guess you can indirectly control some of the outside world.

Think about it: Have you ever seen someone who is internally happy but has a negative outlook on the world?

Have you ever seen someone who is internally struggling and unhappy with a positive outlook on the world?

Or let’s flip it, have you ever seen someone with a negative outlook on the world be predominantly happy?

Have you ever seen someone with a positive outlook on the world be predominantly unhappy?

It might seem like “the chicken or the egg”, but I genuinely believe it all starts with our internal state. Sure, there are always going to be external circumstances that will challenge your internal happiness, but at the end of the day, you have the opportunity to choose how you react to the outside world’s challenges.

I can't promise it will always be easy, but you get to choose the type of world that you experience while you are on it; even with all of its imperfections and problems, there is far more good out there for you to focus on and make sure you have a happy life.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

- Charles Swindoll

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



the price you pay


g’s & t’s ( a poem)