it’s an evolution (a poem)

the authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution.

As you experience life
your awareness grows
of new possibilities,
new goals,
new versions of your Self

The authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution

As you reach the mountain top
you see further and wider
then when you started at the bottom.
New horizons to explore,
new mountains to conquer,
new paths to wander.

The authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution.

As you evolve,
the people you surround your Self must change.
Bobby from high school
doesn’t dream big.
Mary from college
is too comfortable with the status quo.
That might be right for them,
but it’s not for you.
Everyone can’t go,
there’s only room for
those aligned with you

The authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution.

Your authentic life
will continue to evolve.
Will you evolve with it?
Get too comfortable,
too complacent
and be revisited
by the discontentment
you once left behind.

The authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution.

Evolution isn’t hard
if you trust your Self
to show YOU the way
and synchronicity
will be your guides.
Embrace your evolution.

The authentic life is not a destination,
it’s an evolution.

Keep pursuing to keep the evolution aligned.

this poem was inspired by the final talk in the Keep Pursuing Series, "evolving with your authentic life".

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



increase your awareness


advance confidently in the direction of your dreams