start with service

If you’re struggling to identify what changes to make to better align with your authentic life, start by looking at where you can best serve others.

If you know you’re not doing what you were created to do but are unsure what that might be, start by looking at your talents and gifts and how you might use them to serve others.

If you don’t know who you might be best to serve, look at your Self from the past–did you overcome something that others might be experiencing? You might be able to serve others and make a massive impact in their lives because you can help them navigate what you’ve already experienced.

Your serving others may not need to be your career. Maybe your career provides the means, time, or connections to serve others in your free time.

There are tons of ways to be of service to others, and I’m beginning to believe that a part of all of our life’s purpose is to be of service to others—to help those who need the help that only we can provide.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to serve the world—there is probably a finite amount of people you can service at any given time. So don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of needing to serve everyone.

This idea of serving others—particularly, who can I serve better than anyone else has been heavy on my mind as I continue to pursue my authentic life, which is probably why today’s note is more of a collection of ideas than a well-thought-out post to help you figure out who and how you can serve.

If you’re looking for more fulfillment, purpose, or even contentment in your life, give a look to how you can be of service to others.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,





today’s the day